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Safety is our number one value

Our goal is for our pipeline and energy facilities to operate safely every day so that the public, our workforce and the environment aren’t affected by an incident involving our assets. Safety is, and always will be, our number one value.

Pipeline safety


Safer, more reliable delivery

Pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way to transport natural gas and petroleum – period. 我们的管道安全计划是行业中最强大的,也是我们业务中最重要的部分. 从管道完整性创新到对泄漏检测技术和公众意识项目的投资, safety is the common link behind everything we do.

Investing in pipeline safety

我们对安全承诺的最佳证明之一是我们长期持续的管道完整性计划. This annual process maintains the integrity, safety and reliable operations of our pipeline systems. Our process includes:

  • Risk assessment
  • Threat identification and evaluation
  • Integrity monitoring to detect pipeline anomalies
  • Addressing pipeline anomalies through inspections and repairs
  • Additional monitoring, investigative excavation of the pipelines and engineering assessments
  • Review and learning.

On top of this program, every kilometre/mile of pipeline, pump, compressor facility or generating station is made using proven technology and integrated, industry-leading safety systems. Once constructed, all pipelines and facilities are monitored constantly, whether that’s from inside the pipe, on the ground or from the air.

We invested more than $1 billion in these programs in 2020 and 2021.

Preventing pipeline leaks from end to end

Leak prevention is a top priority. That’s why we take significant steps to prevent the chances of leaks before, during and after our pipelines and facilities are in use.

It begins during construction, 管道的每个连接处都在工厂涂上高性能涂料,然后小心翼翼地运到项目地点. 每个单独的焊缝都使用射线照相或超声波技术进行检查,以确保最高质量的焊接. 合格的现场检查员目视检查安装过程的每个阶段,包括将管道放入沟里, and then backfilling.

Once installed, 对管道施加低压电流以防止腐蚀,并对管道进行水测试(水压测试)。, pressurized to a higher level than would be experienced during operation. In the unlikely event of an incident, TC Energy takes full responsibility for emergency response, clean-up and costs.

Read more about our emergency planning.

Proactive detection

24 hours per day, 365 days a year, 我们的运营控制中心(occ)管理着一些世界上最复杂的管道监测技术.

At sites throughout North America, 我们进行从空中巡逻(使用低空飞行的飞机和灵敏的探测设备), 到地质技术监测和搜索可能被侵蚀冲走覆盖管道的土壤的区域.

In-line inspections are also part of our regular routine. Also known as 'pigging,这些检查使用一种称为“智能清管器”的内部检查设备,沿着管道的长度收集数据,监测管道的状况. When an in-line inspection identifies a potential anomaly, 还可以进行调查挖掘,以暴露异常,以便进一步检查和可能的修复.

Whether the line carries natural gas or oil and liquids, at the first sign of a potential issue or irregularity, OCC operators stop pipeline flow within minutes, isolating the issue and helping protect the natural environment.

Detecting leaks and maintaining pipe integrity


CASE STUDY: PSQR Model providing transformational value for asset integrity across our industry

TC Energy wins Global Pipeline Award

我们的创新和决策优化(IDO)团队开发了可信剖面腐蚀评估模型,简称“P方”, 一种颠覆行业的模型,可以更准确地表示管道中的腐蚀特征. From its inception in 2014 to today, P方方法学是该模型在随后的30年中第一次全行业范围内的改进,将其纳入参考标准的工作正在进行中.

模型的改进使我们的团队能够在预防性维护方面做出更好的决策, integrity digs and other integrity activities. As a result, we have realized fewer ground disturbances, with added safety and environmental benefits.

Today, the Psqr Model has taken home numerous awards for its innovative and industry-advancing technology, 包括全球管道奖,以表彰与管道运输有关的创新和技术的杰出进步.

Learn more

Constantly investing in new technology

Continually improving the integrity and reliability of our pipelines and facilities is, and always has been, one of our highest priorities. Here are some of the ways we’re doing it.

Pipelines and Operations

Pipelines and Operations  Ensuring safety

By partnering with industry peers, universities, colleges and governments, we’re part of one of the industry’s largest research and development programs. In fact, since 2013 we have invested more than $150 million towards research and innovation to advance safety, integrity and quality in our industry.

Pipelines and Operations

Pipelines and Operations  Improving efficiency

For more than half a century, 我们在测试新技术方面发挥了重要作用,以最大限度地提高管道效率——从安全改进到减少排放等等. By focusing our R&D dollars, we’re investing in the long-term sustainability of our operations.

Pipelines and Operations

Pipelines and Operations  Environmental stewardship

As part of our commitment to environmental stewardship, 在努力满足北美能源需求的同时,我们努力将对环境的影响降到最低. 我们投入巨资了解我们的管道和设施对敏感野生物种的影响,并努力保护整个北美的生态系统.

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CASE STUDY: Adding ‘ears’ to pipeline monitoring

从我们的控制中心操作员到我们详细的维护和检查计划以及定期的地面和空中巡逻, 我们需要很多人来确保输送天然气和石油的管道的安全,这些天然气和石油为我们的社会提供燃料. With Hifi’s new fiber optic technology currently being piloted on parts of our Liquids Pipeline System, we now also have ‘ears’ on pipeline monitoring.

Fiber optics ‘hear’ pipeline changes

两根光纤线——一根在管道内部,一根在管道外部——贯穿管道的长度,以提供额外的安全保障. With data being processed at the speed of light, the fiber optic lines can report changes in pipeline sound, movement and temperature that could result from natural events, such as earthquakes, or man-made impacts such as construction.

With this data, 目的是让管道公司能够更快地对可能发生的泄漏做出反应,并应用“经验教训”来防止未来的泄漏.

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